Birthday Profiles and Personality Analyses
Vocalist: Hiro
Birthday: November 28th, year unknown
Blood Type: O
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His personal ruling planets are Jupiter and the Sun. He is blessed with abundant optimism, self-confidence, and cheerful generosity. His goodwill and friendliness win him many allies.He also has grand visions, aspirations, and the desire to succeed in life in a big way. He expects the best, and usually gets it. He tends to exaggerate, to promise more than is possible, and to misjudge through over-optimism. However, he never loses his hopes for the future. Restlessness and discontent with responsibilities and limitations in life can be troublesome for him. He has big aspirations but do not struggle or labor to achieve them. His self-confidence and inner harmony attract success and benefits to him in an almost magical way. His optimism and cheerful generosity will also win him many allies and successes in life.
His lucky colors are copper and gold. His luck gem is ruby.
Lead Guitarist: Cazqui
Birthday: February 17th, year unknown
Blood Type: B
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn. This is a highly prized vibration by spiritualists. In fact, there are some seers who say that the person born on the number 17 achieves some fame, if not in this life, then in the next, or his name will live after him, so he does have a fortunate vibration for his future life. He has executive ability and, being highly sensitive and receptive, he often picks up on things other people may not be aware of. This gives him a distinct advantage, particularly in the material realms. These vibrations are symbols of peace and love. Even if he has difficulties in life, he is the type of person who will rise up and face a challenge head on with a ferocious desire to conquer that endows him with a revolutionary spirit, much fortitude, and patience. He will be remembered for his open heart and generosity which are the likely causes of the fame just mentioned.
His lucky colors are deep blue and black. His lucky gem is blue sapphire.
Rhythm Guitarist: Daichi
Birthday: March 15th, year unknown
Blood Type: O
Zodiac sign: Pisces
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His personal ruling planets are Neptune and Venus. All forms of travel and places of beauty will attract his attention as Venus, the aesthetic planet, has rulership over him. He may even eventually live away from his place of birth. Loving and receptive by nature, it is important to note that the sexual aspects of Venus will be very pronounced as well, and may even lead to some fascinating intrigues on his path. He idealizes love, sometimes without scrutinizing his partner(s). It's as if he is searching for love, and when he finds it he can't quite believe he has it. Such is the power of his idealism. He should be careful not to allow his charisma to blind him to the realities of human nature.
His lucky colors are white and cream. His lucky gems are diamond, white sapphire, and quartz crystal.
Bassist: Masa
Birthday: April 2nd, year unknown
Blood Type: B
Zodiac sign: Aries
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His ruling planets are Mars and the Moon. He loves people by expressing his emotions and may be somewhat moody, but nevertheless he is endearing to others. He has a desire to be liked by everyone but he needs to be careful not to sell out for the sake of others' approval. Many good musicians, artists, and authors are born on this day, so he too may be endowed with a sense of the aesthetic and the artistic. He exhibits high imagination, idealism and is no doubt a dreamer who likes to fantasize. He will need a very strong sense of his own personal and domestic space. He can work with large numbers of people as others sense his generally caring and empathetic nature. It's important that he control his fiery emotions and direct his energy constructively.
His lucky colors are cream, white, and green. His lucky gems are moonstone and pearl.
Drummer: Natsu
Birthday: July 31st, year unknown
Blood Type: A
Zodiac sign: Leo
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His ruling planets are the Sun and Uranus. The power of Uranus and the Sun combine to produce very radical expressions of personality. Ordinarily the "4" vibration, if used cautiously, gives a practical grounding but in some extreme cases can cause a sense of loneliness or isolation. He may feel apart from the mainstream at times and not know why, since he prefers to throw all his efforts into work and practical affairs rather than genuine relationships. He needs to give some attention to his social needs and learn how to win friends.
His lucky colors are electric blue, electric white, and multi-colors. His lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.
For personality attributes based on blood type:
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