Sunday, January 5, 2014

Birthday Profiles: JUPITER


Birthday Profiles and Personality Analyses

Vocalist: Zin
Birthday: September 1st, year unknown
Blood Type: B
Zodiac sign: Virgo
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)

Personality attributes based on date of birth:

His ruling planets are Mercury and the Sun. He prides himself on the creative initiatives he takes, even though he may not be an artist. The Sun gives him a radiant personality that he often enhances with fine dress and accessories. Somehow people just gravitate toward him, emulating him and feeling that he is the leader of the pack. As a result of this it is very likely he may attain some position of authority. He also takes pride in the stability of friendships, being very loyal, but at the same time proud. Fortunately his generosity outweighs his pride and his friends often realize and see through these traits of nature. He will constantly broaden his mental horizons and find great satisfaction from his 28th year.

His lucky colors are copper and gold. His lucky gem is ruby.

Guitarist: Hizaki
Birthday: February 17th, 1979
Blood Type: AB
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)

Personality attributes based on date of birth:

His ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn. This is a highly prized vibration by spiritualists. In fact, there are some seers who say that the person born on the number 17 achieves some fame, if not in this life, then in the next, or his name will live after him, so he does have a fortunate vibration for his future life. He has executive ability and, being highly sensitive and receptive, he often picks up on things other people may not be aware of. This gives him a distinct advantage, particularly in the material realms. These vibrations are symbols of peace and love. Even if he has difficulties in life, he is the type of person who will rise up and face a challenge head on with a ferocious desire to conquer that endows him with a revolutionary spirit, much fortitude, and patience. He will be remembered for his open heart and generosity which are the likely causes of the fame just mentioned.

His lucky colors are deep blue and black. His lucky gem is blue sapphire.

Guitarist: Teru
Birthday: April 10th, year unknown
Blood Type: O
Zodiac sign: Aries
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)

Personality attributes based on date of birth:

His ruling planets are Mars and the Sun. The Sun is amplified on the day of his birth so the solar vibrations within him are very strong, resulting in a high degree of power and excellent health. His recuperative powers are strong as are his creative and communicative faculties. Ten is considered as the Wheel of Fortune so success is simply a matter of time in his case. He is a daredevil! He seems to have an unusual taste for tempting fate. He has a strong ego and a sense of his own destiny. Because of that he likes to emphasize his self-importance by stealing the limelight and making himself the center of attention. He needs to learn to share that popularity with others.

His lucky colors are copper and gold. His lucky gem is ruby.

Bassist: Masashi
Birthday: April 25th, year unknown
Blood Type: O
Zodiac sign: Taurus
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)

Personality attributes based on date of birth:

His personal ruling planets are Venus and Neptune. Venus and Neptune endow him with an idealistic temperament which results in an overly giving nature. In some respects this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand he seems to be forever striving for spiritual principles that will lift his vision to sublime heights, yet on the other hand family and friends consistently take advantage of his offerings. This will be a constant source of trouble. He should be wary and learn to scrutinize the intentions of others. This shouldn't be too hard as he is naturally gifted with psychic and intuitive ability.

His lucky colors are darker green shades. His lucky gems are turquoise, cat's eye, chrysoberyl, and tiger's eye.

Drummer: Yuki
Birthday: February 18th, year unknown
Blood Type: A
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)

Personality attributes based on date of birth:

His ruling planets are Uranus and Mars. His aggressive vibration may be his downfall. At times he entertains dangerous ideas, and as a result of the frustration brought on by his self-expression his anger may know no bounds. He needs to try to develop the higher energies within his nature. Controlling his emotions is absolutely essential. The upside of the vibrations in his case is that he could earn money from litigation or arguments and debates. He does have a talent for healing and it's found that the Martian vibration shows that he follows his own path and doesn't listen to bits of advice that may come his way. He could find his own place in the world as a trailblazer. This is the number of genius, or insanity. The choice is his.

His lucky colors are red, maroon, and scarlet. His lucky gems are red coral and garnet.

**** Also, just a reminder to check the Archive to make sure you haven't missed any posts :)

<3 Kiyabi

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