Birthday Profiles and Personality Analyses
Vocalist: Ruki
Birthday: February 1st, 1982
Blood Type: B
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
Personality attributes based on date of birth:
His personal ruling planets are Uranus and the Sun. He possesses great creative potential and charisma and he enhances his appearance by selecting the finest attire to make an impression on others. A born leader, people look up to him, but he must take care not to abuse the positions of respect and authority that are invested in him. A Solar vibration adds a very unusual streak to his nature. He is quick-witted, very daring, highly strung, and often prone to outbursts of anger if he doesn't get his way. This gives him a somewhat eccentric streak, so any of the creative fields that require a dramatic flare are ideal for him.
His lucky colors are yellow and gold. His lucky gem is ruby.
Lead Guitarist: Uruha
Birthday: June 9th, 1981
Blood Type: O
Zodiac sign: Gemini
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
Personality attributes based on date of birth:
His ruling planets are Mercury and Mars. He is governed by the bold and energetic Mars which brings to the fore his active, passionate, and impulsive nature. The upside is he does not like laziness of any sort so work and physical pastimes are activities at which he excels. He has a truly unique spiritual vibration. It could offer him power in public office and with his creative mind he has a desire to help others through social programs. If he controls and directs his temper he can achieve remarkable things.
His lucky colors are red, maroon, scarlet, and autumn tones. His lucky gems are red coral and garnet.
Rhythm Guitarist: Aoi
Birthday: January 20th, 1979
Blood Type: A
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
Personality attributes based on date of birth:
His ruling planets are Saturn, Uranus, and the Moon. Uranus adds a touch of excitability to Capricorn nature, and he is no exception. He has quick responses, lightning speed reaction, and may be erratic at times but Saturn and Capricorn do have a steadying effect as well. He can channel his willpower into imaginative areas with good results, but he must expect tension in his relationships as his quick conclusions and changing moods make it hard for his friends and associates to keep up with him. His destiny is an unusual one. As he struggles along certain lines, when he least expects it he will have sudden successes, and maybe not at all in the areas he had expected success to come from. Uranus often has a marked impact on the nervous system. He needs to try to take adequate rest and maintain regularity in his diet. Daily meditation wouldn't be a bad idea either.
His lucky colors are cream. white, and blue. His lucky gems are moonstone or pearl and blue sapphire.
Bassist: Reita
Birthday: May 27th, 1981
Blood Type: A
Zodiac sign: Gemini
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
Personality attributes based on date of birth:
His personal ruling planets are Mercury and Mars. His scathing speech will certainly invite opposition and enemies on his path. Though he has incredible powers of perception and a highly critical mind, most people find it hard to hear the truth in such an undiluted form. He should try "sugar coating" his words and offering his advice in a more moderate fashion to maintain respect of his colleagues. Usually he is correct in his appraisal of people and their motivations as he sees beyond the surface of things. He too could benefit from meditation.
His lucky colors are red, maroon, scarlet, and autumn tones. His lucky gems are red coral and garnet.
Drummer: Kai
Birthday: October 28th, 1981
Blood Type: B
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
Personality attributes based on date of birth:
His planets are Mars and the Sun. The 10th Solar house rulership indicates high preferment and possible fame, if he desires it. The power of the Sun endows him with a natural feeling of leadership and self importance. People will look to him for guidance, and with the added lunar and Saturnian vibrations he maintains a calm mental outlook even when a situation seems hopeless. This instills confidence in those who look up to him. Though his successes are assured after a long fight, he will experience hardships as a result of opposition and enemies- who are probably envious of his sterling qualities.
His lucky colors are copper and gold. His lucky gem is ruby.
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