Alice Nine
Birthday Profiles and Personality Analyses
Vocalist: Shou
Birthday: July 5th, 1980
Blood Type: O
Zodiac sign: Cancer
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His personal ruling planets are the Moon and Mercury. He possesses a most interestingly creative element within his speech. This is the power of Mercury - the Communicator, who endows him with great thinking capacity, and wit too. He should try not to over-embellish the truth though. Tall tales don't always ring true in the minds of others, and may harm his credibility. Frequent changes and a need for continual variety in his life may ultimately become a source of great distraction for him. Adhere to one project at a time and follow through with it. He may also attract similar partners - upbeat, fast and irresolute. This could prove a major obstacle to achieving the lasting successes he desires, but let's face it - he'll never have a dull moment. His 32nd year may have started to slow things down a tad.
His lucky color is green. His lucky gems are emerald, aquamarine or jade.
Guitarist: Hiroto
Birthday: May 4th, 1985
Blood Type: O
Zodiac sign: Taurus
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His personal ruling planets are Venus and Uranus. He is extremely methodical in his thought processes but he must learn to temper his opinion and accommodate other people's point of view. Because he is hard working, he may tend to exceed his physical capacity and this may result to a high degree of self criticism. The number 4 is an extreme number, especially in its desire for material success. He should not overemphasize the importance of his worldly activity and accomplishments. He should give some time to his spiritual and inner life. These vibrations warn of abrupt and intense changes in his professional arena. He needs to follow his heart and pursue a progressive career that he loves.
His lucky colors are electric blue, electric white, and multi-colors. His lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.
His lucky colors are electric blue, electric white, and multi-colors. His lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.
Guitarist: Tora
Birthday: September 17th, 1980
Blood Type: O
Zodiac sign: Virgo
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His personal ruling planets are Mercury and Saturn. Extreme caution needs to be taken where the issues of marriage, relationships, and trust are concerned. He may easily hand over his control of financial matters to the wrong types as a result of his trusting nature. He needs to scrutinize thoroughly all those who come to him for help. His financial successes are slow, but sure, as the action of Saturn is traditional and somewhat delaying in its nature. With Venus as his co-ruler, he is one of the most sensual of the Virgos. Life for him is to be lived as fully as possible, and remaining young and pleasure-seeking is far more attractive to him than aging gracefully.
His lucky colors are deep blue and black. His lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, and amethyst.
His lucky colors are deep blue and black. His lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, and amethyst.
Bassist: Saga
Birthday: June 24th, 1982
Blood Type: AB
Zodiac sign: Cancer
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His ruling planets are the Moon and Venus. He is a hard worker who loves his family and profession equally. At times he may feel the inner tug of divided loyalties as he tries to balance his extremely self-demanding nature with the requirements of loved ones. In this area only balance can offer him some satisfaction. Females will always give assistance to him and may be instrumental in his success. Some sudden successes which are not expected will come his way in the 33rd and 42nd years of life.
His lucky colors are white, cream, rose, and pink. His lucky gems are diamond, white sapphire or quartz crystal.
His lucky colors are white, cream, rose, and pink. His lucky gems are diamond, white sapphire or quartz crystal.
Drummer: Nao
Birthday: July 31st, 1980
Blood Type: A
Zodiac sign: Leo
(See Zodiac Love Signs for more)
His ruling planets are the Sun and Uranus. The power of Uranus and the Sun combine to produce very radical expressions of personality. Ordinarily the "4" vibration, if used cautiously, gives a practical grounding but in some extreme cases can cause a sense of loneliness or isolation. He may feel out of the mainstream at times, and not know why, since he prefers to throw all his efforts into work and practical affairs rather than genuine relationships. He needs to give some attention to his social needs and learn how to win friends.
His lucky colors are electric blue, electric white, and multi-colors. His lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.
His lucky colors are electric blue, electric white, and multi-colors. His lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.
For personality attributes based on blood type: